Friday, 30 September 2011

demanding new state

Demanding new state
Andhra Pradesh- Telangana
Maharashtra- Vidarbha (not strongly)
West BANGAL- Gorkhaland. 

Why they demanding new state?

Atal Bihari Vajapeyi statement:  x-prime minister  concluded that small state can progress faster if government of that particular state is well stable.
Let us see three state which were made in N.D.A. government

It is rule by BJP at this time with hanging support  of  Shibu Soren .

What they achieve in Zarkhand ? (ARJUN MUNDA IS THE C.M. )

It was the big problem that Zarkhand  could not see a stable government in early years .
Now there is a stable government under BJP.


Another state under BJP WITH WELL progress rate in recent days and also lot of new industries showing interest for investment in the state. This state is good example of “ SMALL STATE CAN PROGESS WELL AND FAST”.


This state also rule by BJP.Dr. Raman Sing is the C.M. of the state .Main problem in the state are naxalist
  But Raman sing handle the position very well.He actually target the important issues like poor people, education,food etc.
Also this is the only state where poor people can buy rice at only 2 rs per k.g.
If poor people serve by government then why naxlist born.

Just look these three state they actualy done well. BJP does not made sap-rte these state for their own benefit .Even Goa is also good example.

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