Friday, 30 December 2011

choosing A engineering branch

choosing A Engineering branch is not a difficult question .All engg. branches have their own importance and  all branches can settle our future.


fact about "Satyam"
             some year ago when Satyam which is top most software company face huge problem everybody thought that computer,I.T. sector will collapse and fellows who graduate in computer engg. will face problem but all prove to be wrong and computer engg. is at top again.


Automobile,foundry,sugar tech.,printing tech etc are isolated branches and fellows should think about these branches because these branches have "narrow people and narrow opportunities ".

Pune,Gujarat will be next auto hubs in India so by choosing Automobile engg. fellows can secure future.

news out

according to government of Maharashtra near about 235 GERMAN auto companies will establish auto projects in "Pune".

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